On a Journey

On a journey, a discovery of the beauty, the laughs and sweet moments.

Thursday, October 13

Poem by me..

No one knows of my beauty
No knows of my secrets
No one knows what I hide locked inside
Is it a gift or a curse?
Ill leave that for you to decide


Friday, October 7


Camp is just so grand!
I worked the whole week in the kitchen but dude it was so fun! The thing that REALLY got me though were the kids..Just because they were all so awesome! They all had distinct personalities, they were really special and awesome to hang out with... but sadly those awesome personalities are going to get wasted by the pressures of the world, and tehy will change from being awesome to jus other 'individuals' doing 'unique' stuff to be 'cool'... where is the fun in that honestly?
ANYWAY.... these kids were jus so much fun, but knowing that heaps of them came from broken homes and crappy family lives.. well that just sucks.. i feel for them i really do..
When they misbehave i remember getting quite angry and stuff but then you remember that this camp is like the only place that they're going to recieve some kindness... some love.. well i guess its worth all the pain and no sleep and hardwork..