On a Journey

On a journey, a discovery of the beauty, the laughs and sweet moments.

Friday, December 23

Santa= Satan

Christmas is finally here, and surprisingly it sorta feels like Christmas :) Maybe its only because yesterday Mum and I spent the whole day baking cookies and decorating Christmas Ginger Santa's. Sadly, however Christmas has become a large over commercialised event run only by all th big retail guys in their black suits, who inturn use the face of Santa to sell their product. Interestingly enough (if you need any proof of my theory) re-arrange the letters of Santa and you can spell out Satan.. maybe this is so because our pattern of thought, our center of focus has turned away from Jesus. Would this also be the reason for th complete bordeom that people share these days? Or should we blame that on technology? Technology does everything for us, so what is there left to do? Television corrupts our imaginations and self esteem- so how can we dream with out having been affected by TV and thinking that we are wrong to dream so? ANd maybe with our boredom we have decided to indulge in to other things.. things that are wrong and make our society corrupt. We are living in a city like Sodom, God's anger must be great, why hasnt he destroyed us yet? Coz Jesus has already payed the price for us :) And everytime we screw up Jesus steps in and is all like "Hey Dad, I like them and they like me. dont hurt them or youll hurt me!" But we are WAY too complacent in this knowledge.. No, I'm not some hard rocking Christian where its good going all th time..Or alot of the time.. No, I'm not as exciting as I would like to be.. but honestly.. I think there are so so many more people who have an inner person, they think differently to what they act because they are scared of discrimination or a judgmental look or maybe they have forgotten how to act like themselves, a sad world this is indeedy. Luckily we can find liberation and be emancipated in Jesus Christ..
Halleluhia.. ITS CHRISTMAS

Monday, December 12

Summers SOO Rock


Finally at long last- after much anticipation its the holidays... Something magical about Summer, something magical about Christmas.. WHOA its all happening! Last day of term was totally cool or as cool as it can be considereing your in the hall for most of the time.. LOL.. sadly one of my good mates couldnt be there :(. But this summer is gonna be awesome!
One of the things that always annoy me about holidays that you run outta things to do, but hopefully with lots of camps, bike rides, band practises and parties it shouldnt be too boring..And you have all the summer tunes that you could listen to yea the young and old. I spose to make holidays cool is to get off ur butt and find something to do huh??
Well any ways.. cool summer tracks..

1. Summer of 69- Bryan Adams
2. Beautiful Soul- Jesse Mc Cartney
3. Game of Love-Santana& Michelle Branch
4.Thousand Miles-Vannessa Carlton
5. Ketchup Song-Las Ketchup
6.Forever-The Veronicas
7. American Pie-Madonna
9.Pretty Enough-Kasey Chambers

Alright.. so lots of thouse songs are soo nineties.. but like thwey were the best times ever! Like when I listen to these songs i always jus think of summer and all the classic moments.. like the bike rides with the wind wishing through your hair and stuff.. I love it!!