On a Journey

On a journey, a discovery of the beauty, the laughs and sweet moments.

Monday, July 30

AAgh! Okay, I only have ten minutes to write this in, decide what I want to write about and upload it- and my computer is going SO SLOW!

Okay, so the thing that has been getting me lately is -hard to say in words- rather tis a mixture of varied emotions. Ya know, like being a Christian your not supposed to be 'dating' unless your ready for marriage or like there is a huge emphasis on not 'lusting' whatever that is! Please define when somebody is lusting! and is it their fault for being raunchily clad that we lust or is it our own that we are unable to control ourselves? (2 min left)
Any way, personally i think there is always heaps said about chiks not wearing modest enough clothing- SERIOUSLY! you can buy scores of books at any shop written by other woman (or men) stating how scantily glad girls are and that they should dress more appropriatly- fair enough, alot of girls do look prostitutuiony, but what aobut all those boys who walk with their shirts off? or who lead girls on.. do they hold no responsibility? Are they not also responsible for the bad thing we call 'lust'?
And then there is also the degrading of woman. Im no feminist, but seriously! Girls- get a clue! When a guy talks to you whilst only looking at your boobs, you know he is only after one thing, so honey, please, dont fall for him. Women on hip hop clips, why do you even allow yoursleves to be degraded like that?! Do you seriously want all males on the earth to check you out and only think aobut doig it with you? I can hardly think that any bloke would want to have a serious relationship with you if you put yourself out like that. ( i think i just grasped the term 'put out.')
Our fellow grandmothers fought SO hard for our independance, to not be so looked down on, and girls, ladies, i seriously think that we have let them down. They fought so that men wouldnt have control over us anymore, but seriously girls, when you think that you are worth nothing, just because you do not have a man on your arm- well its jsut contradicting what great ladies stood for. As women we are the crown of creation, that final stroke on the artists canvas- let us stop letting ourselves down!
What i also do not understand is why when girls like more than one guy they'r 'slutty' but when a guy has hooked up with more than one chik on one night he's the man? They're both the same thing, can we please get a little sensible? I am not condoning the motion of liking more than one guy or hooking up with randoms- infact i think they're both silly-but my point is, it should be the same for both sexes. We were created equally, with different jobs to do. And none of the jobs are better than any other! We are all under God's image, male and female. The sex thing has just gone stupid and it is all over rated anyway. Let's just get back to being us. :)