On a Journey

On a journey, a discovery of the beauty, the laughs and sweet moments.

Monday, September 10

Life should be like a musical

"Life should be a musical" was the opening to my speech last week in assembly. Key word: was. Was supposed to be. Rather what happened instead will probably result in myself falling short. But hey, at least I know then that I cannot boast about my own merits.

Last week I had to do a speech in assembly telling the school as to why they should vote for me, in a campaign so that I may be able to go on the Board Of Trustees as the Student Representative. The night before I practiced my speech, had it memorised, I included so puns and had a low key, informal style that I thought that my audience would most appreciate. HOWEVER: during the morning I had not been seen by anybody as to what action to take, so as I was sitting with the rest of the assembly I was totally dismayed to see the other candidates walking up onto stage! Hurriedly I walked to the stage only to be told that I would have to do my speech.. FIRST! Flustered already, all manner and form of preparation I had flew out the window! I was left to rely on stammering and my theater-sports skills of improvisation. Aagh!

At least though I know that if I get the position of student rep. it'll definitely be God's doing, because in NO way on my own merits would I get in. The speech was too faltering, and ill prepared. Afterward campaigning was not successful, if I get in it'll be a miracle. Isn't that just amazing? That I can rest in the peace, that if I don't get this position that it's not a failure as it was simply where God didn't want me :) That is just such good news! Jesus really is Peace. YAY.

And yes, life should be a musical. To burst in spontaneous song where the good guy always wins and love prevails. Life is abit like that though- the Good Guy has won! and His love does prevail!