On a Journey

On a journey, a discovery of the beauty, the laughs and sweet moments.

Friday, May 27


Geagte Vriend,

Ek hoop dat alles goed is met jou, ek mis jou verskriklik. Wens jy was hier .. geheim dit is laat in die nag. Ek haat die nag, dit herinner my net dat jy nie hier en dan, dat ek eensaam. Maar Jesus Christus is my ewige vriend. Hy verstaan ​​ook eensaamheid. Ek hoop dat hy sal voorsien.

Mag jy geseënd wees in alles wat jy doen, as net vir die heerlikheid van onse God en Vader van die Here Jesus Christus.

Baie liefde


Dear Friend,

I hope all is well with you, i miss you terribly. Wish you were here.. secretly it is late at night. I hate night time, it just reminds me that you're not here and then, that I am lonely. But Jesus Christ is my eternal friend. He too understands loneliness. I hope that he would provide.

May you be blessed in all that you do, if only for the glory of our God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Lots of love