On a Journey

On a journey, a discovery of the beauty, the laughs and sweet moments.

Friday, September 30

Be Blessed and Relax

I am so blessed. The Lord Jesus has provided me so much this week. Friends have visited me, and shared their lives with me. I have been blessed not only materially, but also with their friendship. What a privilege it is to see into the lives of others. It contains an element of trust. That they would trust me to share with me what is going on in their lives is such a privilege which I do not deserve. I only pray and hope that I would honor their trust, and love them just the same.
Monday I bought a car. It's kind of ironic that as a student I live in one of the nicest areas of the country and then on top of this I have also been provided with the means to buy a car. One that would hopefully last me for a long while yet. Thank you Jesus. I pray that I would be responsible with this car, and use it to the Lord's glory. Maybe it can be used often for carpools? I know that God has a plan for it :)
Last night friends came to visit from not where I live... and we watched the Lion King at the cinemas.. it was so much fun! Even though it is animated, it spoke to me spiritually.. Scar is like satan, telling lies so as to disempower us and to make us afraid-- if we believe the lies! Which lies am I believing? What truths do I need to tell myself?
And then when Simba rose to the challenge and took pride rock, as was his responsibility, it just sent shivers down my spine. There is something attractive about strength, and I guess.. manliness.. Ha hA!! But it was also a moment of glory- of having overcome obstacles and challenges and stepping up into the position which we are destined for. Let that apply to us. That when we step up to live the lives that God has planned for us, into the works, the grace, the authority we will enter into a new purpose. I'm so excited! May we live the lives we were meant to live!!

Do Justice, Love Kindness, Walk humbly with oyur God