On a Journey

On a journey, a discovery of the beauty, the laughs and sweet moments.

Friday, September 24

Why Its Cool To Be a Girl

We can wear guys clothes. If they wear ours, they get funny looks

Our friends dont say hello to us by punching us on the arm.

Yea- PMS suckz, but at least we have a good reason to chow down on chocolate for a week!

If we're on a really big ship that happens to hit an iceberg we'll get first dibs on the life boats

We get the bigger apartment in Friends

Girl talk- You know how we just understand each other without having to explain stuff.

We never have to stand at a urinal and have others stare at us.

Dark circles under eyes? We can just cover them up with a little concealer.

We dont have to shave our faces.

We can jump around alot, and shake our hair and it looks like we know how to dance.

We get yummmy chocolates and pretty flowers from guys.

We dont have to dowse our food in tobassco sauce just to look tough.

That whole Circumcision thing!- OUCH

When we get married we get to keep our own name or choose one that we like better.

We dont have to deal with sideburns- what up with that any ways?

At least one girl always survives in horror movies.

We can take stuffed animals to bed no matter how old we are.

SLUMBER PARTIES!! Guys just dont know how fun they are.

We dont have to worry about getting hurt- um- down there.

We dont feel the need to slap our teammates butt when she makes a good play.

We give really really good advice.

Its entirely possible we will marry Orlando Bloom one day.

Its not required that we learn how to spit when we are young.

We are called Tom boys, guys are called girlie or gay.

We have nicer handwriting than guys- well it is true!

Girls with guys names (like Joey) sound cool, but it doesnt work the other way round.

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