A little while back, I discovered the art of downlaoading! I used to be totally against it, but that is only because I never knew how to actually go about downloading. I would always blame my brother for any of the viruses doscovered on our computer, but then I downloaded a programme... that enables me to download (share files as they call it) with any one I wish to. WOW, this new found freedom... to get music for free that you never could actually buy or even know of.. Downloading is really an art, the amount of patience required to complete a single song with a crappy modemm such as mine is a virtue that should be well sought after. Its also considerably addictive! (the art is to not become addicted to it!) I like downloading, but only from ppl who already have way too much money. Sure its illegal, and it damages the industries, well maybe it will make them learn to be a little bit more money wise.! Instead of using a triple 92, turbo jet plane, they can just use a normal 747.. nothing wrong with that right?
My most favouritest guys in the whole world!
As I opened up my email account today, I was astonished to find that all the emails that I had recieved(apart from Spam) were FORWADS!
It's like all these lame things that are completely superstitious and a waste of time! Supposedly they're about finding our true loves.. or making a difference in the world..
But I say, if you really want to make a difference in the world, why dont we start by repecting other people and treating them like human beings! Lets stop gossiping about people or dissing them bout stupid stuff(tht theu realise is/was stupid) that they have done... Lets stop calling people names, coz everytime you call someone a name you chip off a little piece of their soul, even if they dont show it!
INSTEAD.. lets encourage each other and help people out when theyre in a rough spot, lets surprise them with a little note of thanks or telling them how awesome they are!
No one is too good to NOT recieve a compliment now and then!
And if we are so bent on searching for our "true loves" then I really sugest you turn off th tv (coz thts whats feeding you those idea's) and maybe, possibly, definitly try and get a new hobby, for examply stamp collecting OR bus riding OR busking! whatever your hidden talent may be. Truth is, we shouldnt spend our youth searching for a boyfriend or a girlfriend, we should be LIVING!! the fullest of EVERY minute!
Try this method for one day and your sure to have an enjoyable one! Feel great about your self and maybe learn a few things too! :)