On a Journey

On a journey, a discovery of the beauty, the laughs and sweet moments.

Wednesday, October 19

that girl

wants to be that girl who the boys want to kiss
wants to dance in the firelight on the sand
in the waves under the night sky
wants to be that girl that laughs from her soul
who invites others to share life with her
wants to be the girl who is not afraid to love
wants to be the girl who is loved

Friday, September 30

Be Blessed and Relax

I am so blessed. The Lord Jesus has provided me so much this week. Friends have visited me, and shared their lives with me. I have been blessed not only materially, but also with their friendship. What a privilege it is to see into the lives of others. It contains an element of trust. That they would trust me to share with me what is going on in their lives is such a privilege which I do not deserve. I only pray and hope that I would honor their trust, and love them just the same.
Monday I bought a car. It's kind of ironic that as a student I live in one of the nicest areas of the country and then on top of this I have also been provided with the means to buy a car. One that would hopefully last me for a long while yet. Thank you Jesus. I pray that I would be responsible with this car, and use it to the Lord's glory. Maybe it can be used often for carpools? I know that God has a plan for it :)
Last night friends came to visit from not where I live... and we watched the Lion King at the cinemas.. it was so much fun! Even though it is animated, it spoke to me spiritually.. Scar is like satan, telling lies so as to disempower us and to make us afraid-- if we believe the lies! Which lies am I believing? What truths do I need to tell myself?
And then when Simba rose to the challenge and took pride rock, as was his responsibility, it just sent shivers down my spine. There is something attractive about strength, and I guess.. manliness.. Ha hA!! But it was also a moment of glory- of having overcome obstacles and challenges and stepping up into the position which we are destined for. Let that apply to us. That when we step up to live the lives that God has planned for us, into the works, the grace, the authority we will enter into a new purpose. I'm so excited! May we live the lives we were meant to live!!

Do Justice, Love Kindness, Walk humbly with oyur God

Friday, July 29


Die laaste twee weke is 'n bietjie van' n brand! Ek moes by die huis kom vanaand en net slaap.
Ek is mal uitgehang met mense, ek is lief om mense te leer ken, maar ek is meer en meer vind dat dit nie die voorreg dat ek een keer om dit te wees. O Heer! Dat my hart kan tender aan U wil.
Hoe vreemd dit is dat die moegheid, of moegheid so 'n hindernis kan wees. Maar dan, wanneer ek voel soos ek besef hoe geseënd ek het so 'n ongelooflike mense rondom my om pret te hê met my lewe te deel met is.
Indien slegs dat ek nie neem dit as vanselfsprekend aanvaar, selfs al dikwels Ek wens in my grot om weg te steek en nie om die dag in die gesig staar. Maar hier is die uitdaging. Het mense weet dat ek hulle waardeer? Hoe sou ek my waardering oor die deel met hulle gaan? Miskien is 'n begin sou wees om te kyk na myself, selfs al het ek voel moeg, en in gesprek te betrek, ten spyte van wat my brein is stadig en my innerlike wese wil net alleen gelaat moet word. Miskien kan ek 'n meer vrygewige persoon word. As ek net nie so baie dat my Huisgenoten gebruik my goed-miskien as ek net 'n bietjie ontspan gedagte, die vrylating van die sfinkter en net laat wees ... mhmm ..
Ek is nie in die klagte. Ek is net ongelooflik geseën en wil te ontvang en ook om dit te deel, om erkenning te gee aan diegene wat my seën. Laat my nie skuldig te laat ander voel geïsoleerd. Maar eerder, kan diegene wat saam met my in aanraking kom, weet hulle die moeite werd, weet dat hulle is kosbaar en voel verlig en aangemoedig. Mhmm .. whoa, wat is 'n moeilike taak. Ek dink dit alles begin met my doelbewuste keuse en pogings verder te kyk as my eie wêreld en om te waag om iets te sien in die anders ...


The latter two weeks have been a bit of a blaze! I had to come home tonight and just sleep.
I love hanging out with people, I love getting to know people, but I'm increasingly finding that this is not the privilege that I once found it to be. O Lord! That my heart may be tender to Your will.
How strange it is that fatigue, or tiredness can be such an impediment. But then, when I feel like this I realise how blessed I am to have such amazing people surround me to have fun with and share my life with.
If only that I not take them for granted, even though often I wish to hide in my cave and not have to face the day. But here is the challenge. Do people know that I appreciate them? How would I go about sharing with them my appreciation? Perhaps a start would be to look beyond myself, even though I feel tired, and to engage in conversation, despite that my brain is slow and my inner being just wants to be left alone. Perhaps I could be a more generous person. If only I did not mind so much that my flatmates use my stuff- perhaps if I just relaxed a little, release the sphincter and just let be... mhmm..
I am not in complaint. I am just incredibly blessed and wish to recieve that and also to share it, to acknowledge those who bless me. Let me not be guilty of letting others feel underappreciated. But rather, may those who come into contact with me know their worth, know that they are precious and feel enlightened and encouraged. Mhmm.. whoa that is a difficult task. I guess it all starts with my deliberate choice and attempts to look beyond my own world and to dare to see into anothers...

Friday, May 27


Geagte Vriend,

Ek hoop dat alles goed is met jou, ek mis jou verskriklik. Wens jy was hier .. geheim dit is laat in die nag. Ek haat die nag, dit herinner my net dat jy nie hier en dan, dat ek eensaam. Maar Jesus Christus is my ewige vriend. Hy verstaan ​​ook eensaamheid. Ek hoop dat hy sal voorsien.

Mag jy geseënd wees in alles wat jy doen, as net vir die heerlikheid van onse God en Vader van die Here Jesus Christus.

Baie liefde


Dear Friend,

I hope all is well with you, i miss you terribly. Wish you were here.. secretly it is late at night. I hate night time, it just reminds me that you're not here and then, that I am lonely. But Jesus Christ is my eternal friend. He too understands loneliness. I hope that he would provide.

May you be blessed in all that you do, if only for the glory of our God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Lots of love

Sunday, March 13

Love, love, love

Having gone through high school believing to have a sign around my head that was exclusively visible to the male species which read something like “stay away”, I always thought ‘relationships’ were for other people. Until recently. I have since come to realise that the sign I actually reads “Men only, no boys.” I’m quite glad about this one. Who wants to waste their time playing mum? They have their own mothers to look after them, why would they want another one? Additionally, I have realised the pleasure of being led. A man will lead, and so if I want a man, I in turn must be a woman. Pure- as God created her, a help meet, an Ebenezer, beautiful, strong, lovely but willing to be led. Not to take the lead, but to trust the man that his decisions will be the right ones- despite what I may think. (But to have the right discernment to woo a certain way).

In light of all this I have come to grips with the idea that it is okay to want a romantic relationship – as long as my worth is still grounded in God. God is still the one where my value lies, only that a man will be there to share life with in the physical. Marriage in turn is a picture, an image pf Christ and the church, of the unity the Godhead share. Of course no marriage is perfect as the aforementioned relationships are, but it is a picture of what can be. Thus, no romantic relationship should be persued without the goal of marriage.

Often I have found myself to be married to someone in my heart- another trap/vice we woman need to watch out for. “Guard your heart above all else, for it is the wellspring of life.” And this all too often has ended in disappointment, hurt and self doubt. Understandably then this precept of romantic relationships being for marriage poses many questions. For instance: why get married? What would be the point? Well, truth be told, marriage is a covenant, a promise, a commitment between a man, a woman and God to one another. It is an institution, a bond between these three parties. Naturally then, if one does not believe in God, or if one deliberately does not follow God; there is no point to marriage, for if one party is excluded from the covenant, the institution cannot exist.

Furthermore, dating for the sake of dating only leads to hearts being broken. Compromising situations. Hurtful decisions. With consequences. Why not commit to someone to do life with? This in mind then, what does one look for when getting to know others for the purpose of a life partner?

We live in a society where people get married because they ‘love’ each other. Believe it or not, all cultures do not exist this way, Arranged marriages are still widely accepted and practised around the world, but I will accept that ours is a culture of a love marriage. Although this notion is a relatively new one. So- what is love?

Hollywood would have us believe that love is at first sight, a feeling, love hearts, puppy dogs and sex. It is alarming how many couples share this most intimate exchange on their first date on the screen. Considering this act was reserved for the marriage, as it acts as the seal/glue between man and wife. The music industry tell us of hearts broken, or rollercoasters. Basically- this thing called love is reduced to a feeling. But can something so great as love really be summed up in something as fickle as a feeling? Somehow I find it difficult to think that Jesus would of stayed on that cross for feelings. Sure they may have played a part- but surely the thing that we all crave- summed up in love are not just feelings. Can a lifetime commitment be based on feelings? I would like to suggest that perhaps love is something much more. Love cannot be quenched by the hottest flames or quelled by the fiercest storm. Just something to consider... some food for thought...