On a Journey

On a journey, a discovery of the beauty, the laughs and sweet moments.

Friday, July 29


The latter two weeks have been a bit of a blaze! I had to come home tonight and just sleep.
I love hanging out with people, I love getting to know people, but I'm increasingly finding that this is not the privilege that I once found it to be. O Lord! That my heart may be tender to Your will.
How strange it is that fatigue, or tiredness can be such an impediment. But then, when I feel like this I realise how blessed I am to have such amazing people surround me to have fun with and share my life with.
If only that I not take them for granted, even though often I wish to hide in my cave and not have to face the day. But here is the challenge. Do people know that I appreciate them? How would I go about sharing with them my appreciation? Perhaps a start would be to look beyond myself, even though I feel tired, and to engage in conversation, despite that my brain is slow and my inner being just wants to be left alone. Perhaps I could be a more generous person. If only I did not mind so much that my flatmates use my stuff- perhaps if I just relaxed a little, release the sphincter and just let be... mhmm..
I am not in complaint. I am just incredibly blessed and wish to recieve that and also to share it, to acknowledge those who bless me. Let me not be guilty of letting others feel underappreciated. But rather, may those who come into contact with me know their worth, know that they are precious and feel enlightened and encouraged. Mhmm.. whoa that is a difficult task. I guess it all starts with my deliberate choice and attempts to look beyond my own world and to dare to see into anothers...

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