On a Journey

On a journey, a discovery of the beauty, the laughs and sweet moments.

Monday, April 17

Easta Camp

I was lucky enough to go to an amazing God filled camp over the Easter Weekend. The weekend totally opened me up to the realtiy and power of Jesus' death and ressurection. I know that God worked amzing things that weekend just as I am sure that He used it to bring up hurts that were hidden within people. Hurts that you wouldnt think existed. But one night my friend and i got talking and they just totally revealed to me some of their hurts that i never imagined they had. It was like a mask that was finally taken off, and just gave such a huge insight into someone. It just made me realise how often we judge someone and think we know all bout them when really, we know nothing!! The same goes to God, where we think we're sweet but actually there is a whole nother story underlying it. Fact is that talk with my mate i think brought us heaps closer to each other, stuff that only total honesty could make. Why dont we stop judging other people and just start fully appreciating people and always yearn to get to know them more? Yea, I feel like a total hypocrite saying that but yea..

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