On a Journey

On a journey, a discovery of the beauty, the laughs and sweet moments.

Wednesday, May 10

No hair!

I had a crazee dream the other night; what happened, was that I found out I had cancer and I lost all my hair and stuff but the scary bit about it, was the realisation how vain we as humans are concering our hair! I mean, think about we hold so much tribute to our hair! When a girl goes to a ball the first thing we think about is how are we going to have our hair? Our hair style could make or break an outfit! Its that important! So I guess, we should have a lot of sympathy and epathy to those who lose their hair due to cancer or whatever diseases cause hair loss. We may never truely understand what tehy go through. We take our locks for granted but think so highly bout them.. makes you think huh?

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