On a Journey

On a journey, a discovery of the beauty, the laughs and sweet moments.

Monday, June 12

Time flies

Whoa, how time flies!! Been real busy with school and EXTREMELY FRIDAY!! Today in my email I got the coolest message from Not Ashamed Youth. It totally inspired to step out in faith and stuff, here it is.

For great is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Psalm 57:10

I was sitting in my office one night on dusk looking out of my window and there was this beautiful rainbow, incredible rainbow, so vivid, right in front of me. I could only see the arch going up, I couldn't see where it was going, I tried to look, I tried to find it but I couldn't see the rest of the rainbow.

The colours were just so intense and vibrant and then as I watched, at that moment the colour of the sky turned to the most radiant pink glow, it was absolutely incredible. As I sat there gazing out at this beautiful sight the thought came into my mind of God's promise, Gods promise to us (Genesis chapter 9). Sometimes God lays things on our hearts, His word, it may be a dream, it may be a plan for our lives and like the rainbow, I couldn't see where the rainbow was going, where it ended up but that sense of God just saying here is my promise, step out in faith, follow that, you don't need to know where it is going, where you will end up, you just need to trust in Me, My Word and My promise, for I am faithful.

That is true faith, trusting in the unseen, trusting when you can only see a glimpse of the rainbow, not knowing where Gods promise, Gods dream, Gods plan for your life will take you but just trusting in Him. What is God laying on your heart? What is God laying on your heart and saying “trust Me, step out and trust Me”? You may have no idea where it will take you and where you will end up but as you walk through this week be asking the questions, "God what are you wanting me to step out in?” “What are you laying on my heart to trust You in?” And, “what are the plans You have for my life?”

Bless ya heaps.

For great is your love, reaching to the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies. Psalm 57:10

Hope that will inspire you as much as it did me! Yea, i think that sometimes we just totally forget that, we forget that God is there and actively working!! Its amazing when you actually think about it, Bout God, and how much he LOVES us, how active He is in our lives with out us ever realising, and how much He wants to get to KNOW us!! Yea, I guess i cant comprehend the full extent of His amazing and gracious love!!

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