On a Journey

On a journey, a discovery of the beauty, the laughs and sweet moments.

Monday, July 10

Aaa the Joys

It's crazy how easily we take things for granted. How we think that coffee and biscuits are an essential to life, when really it's a luxury, that having a car is an essential- what happened to a bus ride, walking or cycling? The luxurious things we have so often that we forget that they are luxuries, and lose focus on wht we really need. We can gain all there is to gain on this earth and in outer space, but never be truely rich. We will die and our memory will pass away, our collections eventually crumble to dust. What then was all that fretting worth? Worrying about what more we can obtain? We take clean water for granted but even more we take the need for spiritual water much more for granted. We don't appreciate our Spiritual needs, instead we abuse it and clog it with rubbish- substances that harm and eventually destroy. Much the same way we do with our lives, fill it with rubbish that lead us to spiral down into the darkest pit that no hope can be seen. Too often we take for granted the free GRACE that Jesus gave us. Too often we slander His name, take His life for granted. If a painting is put on display does that mean that the artist doesnt exist?
So with His creation- us He proves himself. He has loving arms that are just wanting to embrace us! How much longer should we take Him for granted? Are we really going to be so foolish and ignore an amazing love until it's too late? Are we going to take a Grace so pure for granted till we fade away ungortton, unloved?? We have a choice to an eternal life filled with love and joy, why instead choose death? We have a choice are we going to take that for granted as well?

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