On a Journey

On a journey, a discovery of the beauty, the laughs and sweet moments.

Thursday, October 25

It seems to me that others will always lay expectations on others. On the ones that they love most expectations of fallen dreams will be handed over like a heavy burden, which the reciever takes, only too willing to please. To the ones that they loathe, expectations of only the worst await. Like a dark preconditioned force drives the loathing to want and expect the other only to be disappointment and filled with betrayal. Finally, expectations are handed over to ourselves. In the deep conscience an expectation takes root, of success and happiness. It is an expectation which costs the most yet continues drawing deeper and deeper into the heart.

I have tried not to live up to those expectations, but somehow they make us who we are. Your fathers expectation of having the sportiest child in the country makes one strive to be the star hook and captain in the first 11 Rugby team, or captain of the A netball team. Eager to please our afternoons are filled with practises and training. We go through sweat, stinking like a pig, grueling runs, all so that we can be the best. Our mothers expectations of being the class pet, the smartest on the block, DUX, Valedictorian make us strive for excellences in the classroom. As a result we study long hours into the night and before we know it we are labelled 'brainboxes,' but that is okay, because that was what we wanted. Wasn't it?

I have to admit, I am a high achiever, I don't mean to be. I am incredibly clumsy and unco' yet I still participate in sport. I haven't figured out whether I enjoy sport for the thrill and adrenalin rush, or because it has made me popular and skinny. School work comes easily to me, but I have seen others work so much harder than I have. I have seen students put their everything into their study, yet have recieved no recognition for it. I hardly believe that that kind of attitude will encourage and nourish a seeking student. Yet at the same time, if I do not recieve good grades for my work I will be disappointed. With myself, for not trying harder. Funny isnt it? That that is an expectation I have put on myself with out meaning too. Mhmm.

Okay, so all these expectations around us. And we get angry at them if we think aobut them. But, what if there were no expectations? No body believeing that you can be more than what you are. I see people at school who have no belief in themselves. Who do not trust their instincts, who think that they are as good as what they can have or give- in the sexual way. Their parents or caregivers do not attend their prize givings and I barely see them at school functions. Do these kids have any expectations put on them that is nurtured and encouraged? I have my doubts. Expectations are put on us by those that care for us, I guess it is like a sign of affection, which leads me to think that these students, who have no hope in themsleves, who have no expectations put on them have no one to put those on them. That they are not loved. That is a tragedy.

To have expectations is to hope. It can become an obsession which is dangerous. It can blossom into life, as you see a hearts hope fulfilled and it can mold. Expectations are put onto us by others, who love us, who care. Sometimes for selfish reasons, but expectations make us want to prove our worth. Our worht is in Jesus Christ who has the expectations of a wonderful life and relationship for us and with us.

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