On a Journey

On a journey, a discovery of the beauty, the laughs and sweet moments.

Friday, October 5

Waiting.. waiting.. waiting..
hoping..hoping.. hoping..
there has to be something more, something exciting
Adventure, danger, intrigue..
when, when when?
When will it come?
I'll have to be brave
Step out, step out
onto the path
that leads up mountains
and down into valleys
Hand over the steering wheel
Travel with a friend
See the world
Breath the culture
Feel the wind
Stroke the many sand dunes
Of Egypt
Swim swim swim
like a mermaid
Dash and dart with the humming bird
Live life
Be free
Be Wild
Be Kind
Be Generous and Compassionate
Be Inviting
Be Captivating.
Be free
Be Wild
Be Kind
Be Generous and Compassionate
Be Inviting
Be Captivating.

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