On a Journey

On a journey, a discovery of the beauty, the laughs and sweet moments.

Saturday, February 13


Really it is with not much purpose that I sit here and write today. Yes it is twenty10, and halfway through February, yet, if asked what I have done with my time, I will be left at a loss of words and a less than adequate answer. The truth is, that I cannot really say what I have done with this time that I have been blessed with. Produced some handiwork- perhaps a painting or a craft? No. Travelled somewhere, discovered some unknown land? No. Been entertained to your hearts delight, so that you laugh until your stomach hurts? No. Visited people? Yes!

How humbling it always is when people invite you over to their homes. Like whoa- me? Are you sure? For to invite someone to your home is to allow them to see into your world. It is for them to catch a glimpse of you outside of the norm of hustle and bustle. So what a privilege and a blessing that has been. And whilst I may not have done all too much with the year twenty10 thus far- I am content in knowing that I have been blessed far beyond what I thought I would be (through the hospitality of others) and remain holding onto the thin fragment of hope that perhaps I too may have been a blessing.

I certainly hope and pray that I am a blessing to those that I meet. Either that or be a stench in some one's nostrils (yuck)- either hot or cold. Never lukewarm. No may I never be a lukewarm or apathetic person. Rather may I be interested versus interesting. And may I love as Christ has loved me! After all- am I not a child of the living God? If His DNA is in me, and He was able to love to the point of death, then surely I too can make some sacrifices.

That is such a big word and so contradictory to our western way of thinking. Sacrifices. Sacrifices. In the worldly way of thinking I suppose that word has an ominous connotation and invokes images of bloodshed and little cute lambs being cut up. But that is not what I'm talking about now. I'm talkin about doing not what my flesh would like to do- ignoring my own needs and desires, because really, who are we to place oursleves on pedstools as if we were King or Queen?- and doing instead what others would like to do, like helping dad shovel dirt instead of watching my favourite program on TV, or doing instead what the Holy Spirit (God) would like to do. that one admittedly is probably the hardest one of the lot. Because well, first you need to know what it is He would like to do and that means listening to His voice, which of course means knowing His voice, and how can you know His voice with out spending time with Him? And so you see to do God's will is the task of our lives as it will probably take all of our life to get that sorted- but I believe that it is perhaps the most rewarding thing that we could do! To do His will- to sacrifice ourselves not because we have to, or need to, but because we want to. Notice the difference? And I think that we would want to offer our lives to God once we start to love Him and thus spend time with Him. So it all works out so perfectly you see?
Loving God means we spend time with Him
As we spend time with Him we get to know His voice.
Knowing His voice we are able to deiscern His will
And we will do His will because we love God!

Thank you Jesus that you love us despite our own shortcomings and selfish desires. May you have your will in my life. I praise you and bless your name. Be exhalted o God, o mighty King. Teach me to know your voice. Teach me how to do what you want me to do. Increase the love I have for you, so that it will overflow and touch others in a way that only you could orchestrate. Thank you that you hear my prayers. Blessed be your name.

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