On a Journey

On a journey, a discovery of the beauty, the laughs and sweet moments.

Friday, July 23

retrospective future

University. As a fresh year- I came with all of these expectations of a magical time and a whole new world. And in many ways it has truly been so. Lets just say it now- and be totally honest- the academic world is weird. It's a world that is so caught up in its own interests that I doubt whether it has any connection to the everyday world. However, this is not to say that I am not enjoying it. Of course I am enjoying it!

I have met several wonderful and fun people and several- not so. But all have the same goal, and are put here for a reason and purpose.

It bewilders me how much knowledge there is out there. If you just start to look, how much you will find and then strangely enough- the more you know the more questions arise and you realise how much more there is to know. It's quite wonderful really, and perhaps the reason why academics are so strange. They have caught the knowledge bug.

Over the last several months, as I have adjusted to University life, and to a whole new city, I marvel at how God has worked. Where He has brought me. Who He has caused me to meet. Upon reflection I can honestly conclude that some of my life's best friends will come from my experiences now. And perhaps my deepest passions will be birthed here. Perhaps my fantasies of university have not waned as much as I thought, perhaps they were fulfilled in some way.

I hope that dreams will find a place in our society again. Where, we wont be afraid to dream or to hope. Where we wont be afraid to voice our desires. Where we will have a society again, who expect their dreams to turn to reality, who strive to achieve their vision.

Perhaps it will have to start with me. Where else right? So- may I start here and publicly declare that I (by the grace of God) will live in the vision He has granted me. May we be people who live in the victory! For we are more than conquerors! And let us truly believe it!

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