On a Journey

On a journey, a discovery of the beauty, the laughs and sweet moments.

Tuesday, May 17

It Helps, TRUST ME!

From personal experience, IT HELPS TO TALK!! No matter what problem your having!
Ya see, for awhile now (this is the part where I just pour out all my emotion, troubles and toils over the internet where any kind of person could access it and possibly stalk me..mmm lets hope that doesnt happen) I have been finding it difficult to deal with the difficulty of boys.. and all the problems that entail that. See, I used to like this boy because he used to like me, and I really liked him! But then.. he started seeing this other person, which got me annoyed and horrenduously jealous! So that night I talked to God about it, and the next day I just seemed to be over him. YAY!
But really the part about me liking him whislt he has a girlfriend wsnt the only problem in that situation, see at the beginning of the year I promised God that I wouldnt go out with any boys for this WHOLE year. WHOA! how difficult that has been..
But after stopping liking this boy, I spent an ENTIRE day with this other boy that I have had my eye on for a while now. Then it ALL began again.. Me liking this boy- its all in my mind.. Here me was thinking bout talking to God bout it but then I tought how silly it was of me because only like two days ago we had the same conversation! I was in strife, until I talked to my wiser (OLDER) friend about my issues. (I didnt actually go up to her, she came to ME! not knowing the problem and just asked me whether I was alright- WEIRD HUH??)
Afte talking bout it for awhile we prayed.. and it felt SOOO GOOD!! I felt so enlightened and refreshed!
God can really sort out your problems... If you work withHIM. See, your times in trouble is when we build our character and I feel that God has REALLY helped me with that.
Whatever yoiur going through just remember that sharing your pain with someone else will make it SO much easier! The other person will help you up when you fall.. Dont be scared to let the real you show!

Thursday, May 12

The Extra Mile

Today, at my school I had to endure the compulsary crosscountry. Its the big event at my school that NO ONE wants to do. Athletics is sweet as, photo day?- not a problem, swimming sports? okaydidoke.. but CROSS COUNTRY??? everyone has a CRY!! I personally dont like it myself, but I put up with it anyways.
Last year it occured during my birthday. I KNOW. How dumb!!but it was okay because we organised a group that jus sang and skipped the whole way.. we had TONNES of fun!! and ate lots of food during the process (hee hee). This year unfortunatley wasnt the case. WE had to run it at school, and every so often- at every corner- there was a teacher or a senior student watching, guarding to see if we 'cheated'
But thats okay, BECAUSE... the previous night at my discipleship class we were discussing about going further, doing more for God and so, today (being the pathetic runner that I am) I decidid to enter the championship race, which was longer and taller.. than the other. But thats okay,
As a result of successfully completing that circuit, i am absolutely nackered, and i have the filfullment and JOY of knowing that a ran that extra mile, and all glory can go to God for helping me through it. EVEN BETTER: i automatically get a merit- instead of an achieved- and i got some house points!!
the moral of the story however is that if you go through great lengths you will recieve great rewards!!

Saturday, May 7

Think bout this...

Think about this...
You may not realize it, but it's >100% true.

1. At least 2 people in this world LOVE you so much they would DiE for you.
2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.
3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.
4. A SMiLE from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.
5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.
6. You mean the world to someone.
7. If not for you, someone may not be living.
8. You are special&unique.
9. Someone that you don't even know exists, loves you.
10. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.
11. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look: you most likely turned your back on the world.
12. When you think you have no chance of getting what you want, you probably won't get it, but if you BELiEVE in yourself, probably, sooner or later, you will get it.
13. Always remember the compliments you received. FORGET about the rude remarks.
14. Always tell someone how you feel about them; you will feel much better when they know.
15. If you have a GREAT FRiEND, take the time to let them know thatthey are great.

So next time when your not feeling that great.. remember you are soo precious to somebody.. you just may not even kno it..
Have a good day

Monday, May 2


We all have firsts! Like the first time we learnt how to ride a bike (which hasnt come true for me), The time we took our first steps, when we first babbled a real word, or maybe the special time when you experienced your first kiss. Life is full of firsts. Most of them magical, some what fairytale like. Or at least it feels new and awesome when you first experience it.
But let me tell you.. first day of school is not always this new refreshing time that some lead you to believe. Getting back into the system where your opinion never really matters, where peer pressure is a big issue but happens so often that its not recogniseble any more..
Well dont get me wrong I like school, I like learning but when you are stuck in a class where you learn absolute zilch all period and the teacher is only walking around trying to control the hyperactive children.. it sucks.. or the complete opposite where the teacher drills all this unnecessary info into your head that you would prolly never need and the whole class just sit there like statues.. perfect examples of how the 'perfect' student is.. ooooooo its so annoying.. maybe im just too into the holiday faze and never wanna leave it, but that wont be very good will it?? O owell