On a Journey

On a journey, a discovery of the beauty, the laughs and sweet moments.

Monday, May 2


We all have firsts! Like the first time we learnt how to ride a bike (which hasnt come true for me), The time we took our first steps, when we first babbled a real word, or maybe the special time when you experienced your first kiss. Life is full of firsts. Most of them magical, some what fairytale like. Or at least it feels new and awesome when you first experience it.
But let me tell you.. first day of school is not always this new refreshing time that some lead you to believe. Getting back into the system where your opinion never really matters, where peer pressure is a big issue but happens so often that its not recogniseble any more..
Well dont get me wrong I like school, I like learning but when you are stuck in a class where you learn absolute zilch all period and the teacher is only walking around trying to control the hyperactive children.. it sucks.. or the complete opposite where the teacher drills all this unnecessary info into your head that you would prolly never need and the whole class just sit there like statues.. perfect examples of how the 'perfect' student is.. ooooooo its so annoying.. maybe im just too into the holiday faze and never wanna leave it, but that wont be very good will it?? O owell

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