On a Journey

On a journey, a discovery of the beauty, the laughs and sweet moments.

Saturday, April 30

Mum Time

yea the past two times I have tried to enter something in my blog my computer just shut down! My apologies.
Well, yester day was a great day. My mum had taken a day off work to spend the last day of the holidays with us. Unfortunately my brother didnt kno and had made plans to go out for the day with his girlfriend. And by morning my friend called me asking for emotional support. So I spent the morning with him. We had bailed outon mum after all the effort she went through to just be with us. :(
At the place where my friend was I realised how blessed I was to be able to talk to my mum about whatever, to readily and comfortably have a relationship with her, do stuff with her.
So after I had finished with my friend I went with mum and spent the rest of the afternoon with her. I shopped and bought fabric. Then we shared lunch at KFC- the twisters are delicious btw. And I helped her make two gorgeous cushions which I gave to my cousin this morning as a Birthday present.
Any ways... my point is that we never really realise all that Mum does for us! Specially toward mothers day I know I always just tend to brush over it thinking 'meh' you kno just another day.. but its so not like that. Mum I would like to thankyou for all tht you have done for me.. I could not ask for a better mum. Thankyou for always going out of your way to understand me and care for me. I love you lots

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