On a Journey

On a journey, a discovery of the beauty, the laughs and sweet moments.

Friday, April 15

The Irony

Funny how in life you just go about your daily business..
And sometimes you think life is so short, sometimes you think that life is so long. You can just never be satisfied in your current situation. - the grass is always greener on the other side. It reminds me of a blonde joke my dad once told me. You wouldnt think that a stereotyped blonde could be used in a provocative conversation, but it can! "two blondes were standing on the side of the road. they walked across the road. then one blonde said to the other, 'I thought you said that we'd be on the other side?'
'Yeah.... we are..'
'No we're not the other side is over there!!' (pointing to the side they had just come from)"
Personally i don't think that the joke is all too funny but it does make me think that no matter who you are, there is always going to be something that seems so much better than what you already have. So you will strive to reach that success that goal, that achievment. But after busting your butt for so long the place where you came from suddenly seems so better.
Why is this? Why can't we be happy for what we have? Everything that is given to us is from God, His gifts are what we have. Lets just be satisfied, because sometimes your patch of grass is alot greener than what you may think!

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