On a Journey

On a journey, a discovery of the beauty, the laughs and sweet moments.

Wednesday, April 27

We are All on A Journey

one that may lead us to certain death and destruction, loneliness, unbearable pain with no one presesnt to comfort us ORRRR one that may lead us to pure bliss, perfect happiness, self esteem, gloriusness and more!!! but the question is... which route do I take?
I have the answer here for you..
* If you want Pure Bliss and happiness, if you want to experience the most joy you have ever felt then your answer is Jesus! Accept Him into your life and follow Him daily, then its a 100000% garuntee that your eternity will be fully of joy.. The road is small, windy and difficult but you will surely be rewarded!... BUT
*If you are after spending your eternity and the rest of your life in damnation then its quite easy, all you have to do is deny the true Father, the maker of all creation. Conform to the worlds views. Lve life like there has never been tomorrow, and it is sure that you will suffer and cry out in pain, whilst no one will hear you!

My friends, the reason why I am letting you know all this is because our end is near!! All the bad stuff that happen in the world is because of sin, all the wrong stuff we do. Because of all the bad stuff we do eg. lying, stealing,rape,murder,war, we become imperfect! And because we are imperfect we cannot be with God which was His initial intention for us to be with Him. In order for us to be made 'perfect' again Sin requires, death, blood. Hence the reason why so many people made sacrifices. But these sacrifices could only have been of the purest form. Eg. A lamb it has done no wrong, no evil. it has no deformity. I guess God knew what was to come, so He promised us a Saviour, someone who would take all that away from us, someone who would wash all our stupidity and imperfectness away. And that was Jesus. He was perfect, he never did any wrong, he was and IS Gods Son. When He died for us he took upon him all the rubbish and evil deeds we do today and have done.. He took on EVERYONES blame, just so that we may be saved and able to live with our Father.. So why deny that? Why slap him back in the face and reject his awesome gift?? Think about it....

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