On a Journey

On a journey, a discovery of the beauty, the laughs and sweet moments.

Friday, December 23

Santa= Satan

Christmas is finally here, and surprisingly it sorta feels like Christmas :) Maybe its only because yesterday Mum and I spent the whole day baking cookies and decorating Christmas Ginger Santa's. Sadly, however Christmas has become a large over commercialised event run only by all th big retail guys in their black suits, who inturn use the face of Santa to sell their product. Interestingly enough (if you need any proof of my theory) re-arrange the letters of Santa and you can spell out Satan.. maybe this is so because our pattern of thought, our center of focus has turned away from Jesus. Would this also be the reason for th complete bordeom that people share these days? Or should we blame that on technology? Technology does everything for us, so what is there left to do? Television corrupts our imaginations and self esteem- so how can we dream with out having been affected by TV and thinking that we are wrong to dream so? ANd maybe with our boredom we have decided to indulge in to other things.. things that are wrong and make our society corrupt. We are living in a city like Sodom, God's anger must be great, why hasnt he destroyed us yet? Coz Jesus has already payed the price for us :) And everytime we screw up Jesus steps in and is all like "Hey Dad, I like them and they like me. dont hurt them or youll hurt me!" But we are WAY too complacent in this knowledge.. No, I'm not some hard rocking Christian where its good going all th time..Or alot of the time.. No, I'm not as exciting as I would like to be.. but honestly.. I think there are so so many more people who have an inner person, they think differently to what they act because they are scared of discrimination or a judgmental look or maybe they have forgotten how to act like themselves, a sad world this is indeedy. Luckily we can find liberation and be emancipated in Jesus Christ..
Halleluhia.. ITS CHRISTMAS

Monday, December 12

Summers SOO Rock


Finally at long last- after much anticipation its the holidays... Something magical about Summer, something magical about Christmas.. WHOA its all happening! Last day of term was totally cool or as cool as it can be considereing your in the hall for most of the time.. LOL.. sadly one of my good mates couldnt be there :(. But this summer is gonna be awesome!
One of the things that always annoy me about holidays that you run outta things to do, but hopefully with lots of camps, bike rides, band practises and parties it shouldnt be too boring..And you have all the summer tunes that you could listen to yea the young and old. I spose to make holidays cool is to get off ur butt and find something to do huh??
Well any ways.. cool summer tracks..

1. Summer of 69- Bryan Adams
2. Beautiful Soul- Jesse Mc Cartney
3. Game of Love-Santana& Michelle Branch
4.Thousand Miles-Vannessa Carlton
5. Ketchup Song-Las Ketchup
6.Forever-The Veronicas
7. American Pie-Madonna
9.Pretty Enough-Kasey Chambers

Alright.. so lots of thouse songs are soo nineties.. but like thwey were the best times ever! Like when I listen to these songs i always jus think of summer and all the classic moments.. like the bike rides with the wind wishing through your hair and stuff.. I love it!!

Wednesday, November 30

Jesus Loves ME

Its the most awesomest truth that many of us never discover or believe. Please dont miss out!

Monday, November 28


Last week i went on a camp with my school, and it was totally awesome! I had heaps of fun with my friends, we saw heaps of really cool stuff and it was generally a very pleasant experience.. Well.. that is until some stuff (poos) had to hit the ceiling. And guess whats its all about?? About a boy. Honestly sometimes people are jus being so pathetic that they dont realise how pathetic they're being!
I think i should bring a video recorder to school and i could come up with a whole new series of the oc. LOL.. may be i should take that into serieous thought. But actually the reason why this is so upseetting is coz, well its just giving Satan a footstool where he can do all this evil, and pretty much these ppl are jus allowing more evil into the world. Its so SO SSO dumb. We should love to our Lord JEsus and each other. DIdnt Jesus already die for us? So whyt speak with such evil intent? This world is so totally corrupted, i guess it could lead you into a depressing state.

Friday, November 4

Birds and the Bees

The age old thing that everyone get hung up on, Boyfriends and Girlfriends!
No fence but its jus getting to the point of it being drastically silly!! Do people really care who is hanging on your arm as you walk down the school hall? The answer is probably not, people would most likley mock you and tell you to get a room, or bash your head in for liking the same guy that they like- all these exmples having happened to my friends! And then when we do finally manage to snag that guy/girl of our dreams we end up holding hands if it gets serious or a freaky uncomfortable kiss whilst still being with your friends because it would just be too awkward to be alone together! After all this, the possibility of breaking up two weeks later is very likly.. so why bother?
The sad fact is.. that yupp.. there will always be that guy/chick tht makes your heart flutter, or jus widens your smile. That brings the compulsive surge to flirt, we all do it. But the bother is terrible, you feel lonely and unwanted when that guy/chick keeps rejecting you, taking other people as their 'boyfriend/girlfriend' and our hearts get absolutely crushed! Does this cycle never end!
So why bother with all this business? Because being in love and feeling loved is amazing!, perhaps that short moment of bliss is enough to smooth the hurt over. God made us to feel loved and to love..Sometimes we can get distracted huh? I know I do quite often..
But then I just listen to sappy love songs.. Yea we all love them!

Thursday, October 13

Poem by me..

No one knows of my beauty
No knows of my secrets
No one knows what I hide locked inside
Is it a gift or a curse?
Ill leave that for you to decide


Friday, October 7


Camp is just so grand!
I worked the whole week in the kitchen but dude it was so fun! The thing that REALLY got me though were the kids..Just because they were all so awesome! They all had distinct personalities, they were really special and awesome to hang out with... but sadly those awesome personalities are going to get wasted by the pressures of the world, and tehy will change from being awesome to jus other 'individuals' doing 'unique' stuff to be 'cool'... where is the fun in that honestly?
ANYWAY.... these kids were jus so much fun, but knowing that heaps of them came from broken homes and crappy family lives.. well that just sucks.. i feel for them i really do..
When they misbehave i remember getting quite angry and stuff but then you remember that this camp is like the only place that they're going to recieve some kindness... some love.. well i guess its worth all the pain and no sleep and hardwork..

Wednesday, September 14

Spinning Head

Last weekend I went to a party, not th ones that include alcohol but the fun ones where you play pin the tale on th donkey and dance! Strobes were playing and being th fun loving person that i am i decided to spin around as much as i can! And yupp i spuin for ages and ages.. defying th laws of thos laws (you know kinda like th laws of gravity and stuff like those flash ones) and i spun and i spun until i almost fell over or was sposed to fall over but didnt. But then my brother as they do, went BANG into me and i BANGED my head... fell on the floor unconsciouss for a couple of seconds and completely concussed (still am btw)

Yupp that sucked.. but i hope my friend had an awesome birthday party a!!

Thursday, July 21

Discoveries Of A Significant Nature

A little while back, I discovered the art of downlaoading!
I used to be totally against it, but that is only because I never knew how to actually go about downloading. I would always blame my brother for any of the viruses doscovered on our computer, but then I downloaded a programme... that enables me to download (share files as they call it) with any one I wish to. WOW, this new found freedom... to get music for free that you never could actually buy or even know of.. Downloading is really an art, the amount of patience required to complete a single song with a crappy modemm such as mine is a virtue that should be well sought after. Its also considerably addictive! (the art is to not become addicted to it!) I like downloading, but only from ppl who already have way too much money. Sure its illegal, and it damages the industries, well maybe it will make them learn to be a little bit more money wise.! Instead of using a triple 92, turbo jet plane, they can just use a normal 747.. nothing wrong with that right?

Monday, July 4

My most favouritest guys in the whole world!


Forwads.. Yupp those annoying emails

As I opened up my email account today, I was astonished to find that all the emails that I had recieved(apart from Spam) were FORWADS!
It's like all these lame things that are completely superstitious and a waste of time! Supposedly they're about finding our true loves.. or making a difference in the world..

But I say, if you really want to make a difference in the world, why dont we start by repecting other people and treating them like human beings! Lets stop gossiping about people or dissing them bout stupid stuff(tht theu realise is/was stupid) that they have done... Lets stop calling people names, coz everytime you call someone a name you chip off a little piece of their soul, even if they dont show it!

INSTEAD.. lets encourage each other and help people out when theyre in a rough spot, lets surprise them with a little note of thanks or telling them how awesome they are!
No one is too good to NOT recieve a compliment now and then!

And if we are so bent on searching for our "true loves" then I really sugest you turn off th tv (coz thts whats feeding you those idea's) and maybe, possibly, definitly try and get a new hobby, for examply stamp collecting OR bus riding OR busking! whatever your hidden talent may be. Truth is, we shouldnt spend our youth searching for a boyfriend or a girlfriend, we should be LIVING!! the fullest of EVERY minute!

Try this method for one day and your sure to have an enjoyable one! Feel great about your self and maybe learn a few things too! :)

Tuesday, June 14

"Pretend To Be Nice" Josie and the Pussycats

Well he looks at me with those Innocent eyes,
And says it looks like you're wearing some kind of disguise,
Because your hair sticks up, your shoes are untied,
I hope that you got that shirt on half price,
And every word I say falls flat on the floor,
I try to tell a joke, he's heard it before,
And I don't think that I can take it no more,
He's driving me right out of my front door,

Why do you do what you do to me baby,
You're shaking my confidence driving me crazy,
You know if I could I'd do anything for you,
Please don't ignore me cause you know I adore you,

But can't you just pretend to be nice,
Can you at least pretend to be nice,
If you could just pretend to be nice,
Then everything in my life would be alright,

Oooh wee....
Oooh wee....

And I try so hard just to figure him out,
But he won't tell me what he's thinking about,
And then he falls asleep on the living room couch,
With his sunglasses on and his tongue hanging out,
And then he disappears for a week at a time,
And then he shows up just like everything's fine,
And I don't get what goes on in his mind,
But I'm tired of hearing the same stupid lines,

Why do you do what you do to me baby,
You're shaking my confidence driving me crazy,
You know if I could I'd do anything for you,
Please don't ignore me cause you know I adore you,

But can't you just pretend to be nice,
Can you at least pretend to be nice,
If you could just pretend to be nice,
Then everything in my life would be alright,

Oooh wee....
Oooh wee....

Why do you do what you do to me baby,
You're shaking my confidence driving me crazy,
You know if I could I'd do anything for you,
Please don't ignore me cause you know I adore you,

(Oooh wee....)

But can't you just pretend to be nice,
Can you at least pretend to be nice,
If you could just pretend to be nice,
Then everything in my life would be alright,

[Fade out]

... Just some lyrics that I thought were pretty cool. MAN I LOVE JOSIE AND THE PUSSYCATS!!

Monday, June 6

Hang Time

Just like the old television programme this blog is titled so.
Yeah, the past few weeks every Sunday myself and a group of core friends have hung out for literelly the whole day! from 9:30 am to about 9:30 pm. And it has been great!!
Or at least it was when it was a first.. but now having become a regular thing. The novelty of being with friends have worn off considering that we see them anyway for at least 2 hours on Wednesdays and Fridays and Saturday nights. If not at school as well.. Don't get me wrong, I love my friends, I love spending time with them and helping each other, but sometimes it can get a little too much- especially if you do the same thing all day every Sunday.
Can it be that perhaps I'm too spoilt and don't realise the luxury or privelige that I have? Possibly... Probably.
I just want things to be special again, so that everytime I spend time with these people, I want to be rejuvinised and refreshed. Am I being selfish?

Tuesday, May 17

It Helps, TRUST ME!

From personal experience, IT HELPS TO TALK!! No matter what problem your having!
Ya see, for awhile now (this is the part where I just pour out all my emotion, troubles and toils over the internet where any kind of person could access it and possibly stalk me..mmm lets hope that doesnt happen) I have been finding it difficult to deal with the difficulty of boys.. and all the problems that entail that. See, I used to like this boy because he used to like me, and I really liked him! But then.. he started seeing this other person, which got me annoyed and horrenduously jealous! So that night I talked to God about it, and the next day I just seemed to be over him. YAY!
But really the part about me liking him whislt he has a girlfriend wsnt the only problem in that situation, see at the beginning of the year I promised God that I wouldnt go out with any boys for this WHOLE year. WHOA! how difficult that has been..
But after stopping liking this boy, I spent an ENTIRE day with this other boy that I have had my eye on for a while now. Then it ALL began again.. Me liking this boy- its all in my mind.. Here me was thinking bout talking to God bout it but then I tought how silly it was of me because only like two days ago we had the same conversation! I was in strife, until I talked to my wiser (OLDER) friend about my issues. (I didnt actually go up to her, she came to ME! not knowing the problem and just asked me whether I was alright- WEIRD HUH??)
Afte talking bout it for awhile we prayed.. and it felt SOOO GOOD!! I felt so enlightened and refreshed!
God can really sort out your problems... If you work withHIM. See, your times in trouble is when we build our character and I feel that God has REALLY helped me with that.
Whatever yoiur going through just remember that sharing your pain with someone else will make it SO much easier! The other person will help you up when you fall.. Dont be scared to let the real you show!

Thursday, May 12

The Extra Mile

Today, at my school I had to endure the compulsary crosscountry. Its the big event at my school that NO ONE wants to do. Athletics is sweet as, photo day?- not a problem, swimming sports? okaydidoke.. but CROSS COUNTRY??? everyone has a CRY!! I personally dont like it myself, but I put up with it anyways.
Last year it occured during my birthday. I KNOW. How dumb!!but it was okay because we organised a group that jus sang and skipped the whole way.. we had TONNES of fun!! and ate lots of food during the process (hee hee). This year unfortunatley wasnt the case. WE had to run it at school, and every so often- at every corner- there was a teacher or a senior student watching, guarding to see if we 'cheated'
But thats okay, BECAUSE... the previous night at my discipleship class we were discussing about going further, doing more for God and so, today (being the pathetic runner that I am) I decidid to enter the championship race, which was longer and taller.. than the other. But thats okay,
As a result of successfully completing that circuit, i am absolutely nackered, and i have the filfullment and JOY of knowing that a ran that extra mile, and all glory can go to God for helping me through it. EVEN BETTER: i automatically get a merit- instead of an achieved- and i got some house points!!
the moral of the story however is that if you go through great lengths you will recieve great rewards!!

Saturday, May 7

Think bout this...

Think about this...
You may not realize it, but it's >100% true.

1. At least 2 people in this world LOVE you so much they would DiE for you.
2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.
3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.
4. A SMiLE from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.
5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.
6. You mean the world to someone.
7. If not for you, someone may not be living.
8. You are special&unique.
9. Someone that you don't even know exists, loves you.
10. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.
11. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look: you most likely turned your back on the world.
12. When you think you have no chance of getting what you want, you probably won't get it, but if you BELiEVE in yourself, probably, sooner or later, you will get it.
13. Always remember the compliments you received. FORGET about the rude remarks.
14. Always tell someone how you feel about them; you will feel much better when they know.
15. If you have a GREAT FRiEND, take the time to let them know thatthey are great.

So next time when your not feeling that great.. remember you are soo precious to somebody.. you just may not even kno it..
Have a good day

Monday, May 2


We all have firsts! Like the first time we learnt how to ride a bike (which hasnt come true for me), The time we took our first steps, when we first babbled a real word, or maybe the special time when you experienced your first kiss. Life is full of firsts. Most of them magical, some what fairytale like. Or at least it feels new and awesome when you first experience it.
But let me tell you.. first day of school is not always this new refreshing time that some lead you to believe. Getting back into the system where your opinion never really matters, where peer pressure is a big issue but happens so often that its not recogniseble any more..
Well dont get me wrong I like school, I like learning but when you are stuck in a class where you learn absolute zilch all period and the teacher is only walking around trying to control the hyperactive children.. it sucks.. or the complete opposite where the teacher drills all this unnecessary info into your head that you would prolly never need and the whole class just sit there like statues.. perfect examples of how the 'perfect' student is.. ooooooo its so annoying.. maybe im just too into the holiday faze and never wanna leave it, but that wont be very good will it?? O owell

Saturday, April 30

Mum Time

yea the past two times I have tried to enter something in my blog my computer just shut down! My apologies.
Well, yester day was a great day. My mum had taken a day off work to spend the last day of the holidays with us. Unfortunately my brother didnt kno and had made plans to go out for the day with his girlfriend. And by morning my friend called me asking for emotional support. So I spent the morning with him. We had bailed outon mum after all the effort she went through to just be with us. :(
At the place where my friend was I realised how blessed I was to be able to talk to my mum about whatever, to readily and comfortably have a relationship with her, do stuff with her.
So after I had finished with my friend I went with mum and spent the rest of the afternoon with her. I shopped and bought fabric. Then we shared lunch at KFC- the twisters are delicious btw. And I helped her make two gorgeous cushions which I gave to my cousin this morning as a Birthday present.
Any ways... my point is that we never really realise all that Mum does for us! Specially toward mothers day I know I always just tend to brush over it thinking 'meh' you kno just another day.. but its so not like that. Mum I would like to thankyou for all tht you have done for me.. I could not ask for a better mum. Thankyou for always going out of your way to understand me and care for me. I love you lots

Wednesday, April 27

We are All on A Journey

one that may lead us to certain death and destruction, loneliness, unbearable pain with no one presesnt to comfort us ORRRR one that may lead us to pure bliss, perfect happiness, self esteem, gloriusness and more!!! but the question is... which route do I take?
I have the answer here for you..
* If you want Pure Bliss and happiness, if you want to experience the most joy you have ever felt then your answer is Jesus! Accept Him into your life and follow Him daily, then its a 100000% garuntee that your eternity will be fully of joy.. The road is small, windy and difficult but you will surely be rewarded!... BUT
*If you are after spending your eternity and the rest of your life in damnation then its quite easy, all you have to do is deny the true Father, the maker of all creation. Conform to the worlds views. Lve life like there has never been tomorrow, and it is sure that you will suffer and cry out in pain, whilst no one will hear you!

My friends, the reason why I am letting you know all this is because our end is near!! All the bad stuff that happen in the world is because of sin, all the wrong stuff we do. Because of all the bad stuff we do eg. lying, stealing,rape,murder,war, we become imperfect! And because we are imperfect we cannot be with God which was His initial intention for us to be with Him. In order for us to be made 'perfect' again Sin requires, death, blood. Hence the reason why so many people made sacrifices. But these sacrifices could only have been of the purest form. Eg. A lamb it has done no wrong, no evil. it has no deformity. I guess God knew what was to come, so He promised us a Saviour, someone who would take all that away from us, someone who would wash all our stupidity and imperfectness away. And that was Jesus. He was perfect, he never did any wrong, he was and IS Gods Son. When He died for us he took upon him all the rubbish and evil deeds we do today and have done.. He took on EVERYONES blame, just so that we may be saved and able to live with our Father.. So why deny that? Why slap him back in the face and reject his awesome gift?? Think about it....

Weeeeeeird Happenings..

Yupp, yesterday I started this update, but my brother came and exited it out of the programme, so I lost all that I had typed..(gutted) My point however for this 'issue' was going to be about trusting friends.
See I was in town yesterday and something catastrophically weird happened, but if I described it to you, you would accuse me of being loopy, insane, mental, sinile.. and would probbably consider in putting me in a mental institute.. so I wont say what happened.
But to get through it we (my group of friends and I), had to really trust my friend, which in the end none of us really did... and we got into BIG trouble..So I thpught that I would just have to emphasize once more how important it is to trust your friends!! -Huh! What a cliche- YEa yea i kno.. but if you dont have trust in oneanother then what is your relationship based upon?? MAterialistic things? Trust, and being trustworthy are HUGE virtues that we should focus upon to maybe make this world a better place!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

People say they want to change the world, Yet they dont stop to help their neighbour

Saturday, April 23

Staying up

hi guys.. just to let you kno that staying up till the wee hours of the morning isnt a very good idea, especially if you have work the next day. Lemeny Snikets is a cool movie, i just saw it las night as is the phantom of the opera!! YAYs...Im going to rehearsals on monday and a party, cept tmrw we have people coming overr with little kids an im tired!!!

Saturday, April 16

A hidden Clock Shop

Upon having come across an old letter, written by my very special girlfriend, i decided to invite her to a cup of coffee in a small town bout an hour away from where we live, of course my mum would drive us. And so we started our day. My friend is homeschooled and so does not have as much exploitation as i do. But that does not stop our conversation- well conversation that we had.
The ride to this touristy picturisque town was quiet, and we did not really talk alot but i know that despite this we have a very strong bond and silently communicated our deepest thoughts.
When we arrived we could not decide of what cafe to stop at, so we did some window browsing instead. You would never expect that a hidden old-fashioned looking clock shop could challenge you to have such awe and amasement, to find such inspiration as we did. It was my friends first encounter with an old grandfather clock, and the first time that i ever took notice of the intricate detail that was beheld in it. And thus I realised that this could be a great example for when meeting new people. They may seem dull and boring on the outside, but if you look at the person carefully(get to know them not judge them etc) then you'll notice the intricate beauty and detail that they can share with you. They will open up to you and show you their beautifull design (im not meaning this in the sexual way but as in they will become honest with you and help you in your time of need and maybe expose their sincere difficulties that theyre dealing with) - To imagine, all from a clock shop.
There were more modern looking clocks of course which were also appealing to the eye. Maybe more well liked, more abstract and more fashionable, but i still came to the conclusion that these modern clocks would not bring the same fascination to a child than a grandfathers clock or a cookoo clock.
Why a childs interest? Because children as innocent as they are see things in a different more metaphysical way, they trust more, nothing can be bad or wrong to the eye. And its the truely wonderful things that excite them!
I dont know what my girlfriend thought of all this but i suspect she enjoyed it. Our cafe outing was brilliant, good food, great coffee though I can't say that braces made it easy to eat :(
We had a very pleasant day finishing it off with a wonderfully fairytale like movie.
Good friends are rare but true friends are even rarer!

Friday, April 15

Camp KCC

IM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!
Next week i'll be having the opportunity to go to Karakariki Christian Camp. I have not been to a kids camp in ages, so am really looking forwad to that. I am also looking forwad to Term 2 of the school year, I kno that it will be busy! - Theatre Sports, Shaspeare Comp, Hockey (man do i suck!)Book Club, Extremely Friday (5.30-8pm fri night www.hamsouthbaptist.co.nz ) wahoo... as well as the usual range of activities..
A few weeks ago I went to Wellyton, where my Dad had his life long dream come true, when he saw Neil Diamond live in concert. The city was a really different experience. the people i found were predominatly REALLY snobby!! And it was packed! O well.. Yea well hope you guys have a great week..

The Irony

Funny how in life you just go about your daily business..
And sometimes you think life is so short, sometimes you think that life is so long. You can just never be satisfied in your current situation. - the grass is always greener on the other side. It reminds me of a blonde joke my dad once told me. You wouldnt think that a stereotyped blonde could be used in a provocative conversation, but it can! "two blondes were standing on the side of the road. they walked across the road. then one blonde said to the other, 'I thought you said that we'd be on the other side?'
'Yeah.... we are..'
'No we're not the other side is over there!!' (pointing to the side they had just come from)"
Personally i don't think that the joke is all too funny but it does make me think that no matter who you are, there is always going to be something that seems so much better than what you already have. So you will strive to reach that success that goal, that achievment. But after busting your butt for so long the place where you came from suddenly seems so better.
Why is this? Why can't we be happy for what we have? Everything that is given to us is from God, His gifts are what we have. Lets just be satisfied, because sometimes your patch of grass is alot greener than what you may think!

Thursday, February 10

Golden Girl- A Poem

Shimmering Light pouring through the clearing
Twinkling bright stars illuminated by the moonlight
A perfect smile beaming from a gentle petal
A chriping quail the sound so soft so magical
So she sways her golden hair, proud of her majesty
So she brushes it, one thin thread at a time
Beyond the horizon her true love waiting
No time or sun beam keeps her from anticipating
Beauty she has, a silky smooth secret
The words from her tongue, the jewel of the crown
Patience and Peace her gifts are true
Like a shimmering light pouring through the clearing
She is the Golden Girl